Minister Djuric with the President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament

23. Jul 2024.
As part of his official visit to Rome, Minister of Foreign Affairs Marko Djuric had talks today with the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Lorenzo Fontana.

Djuric assessed the relations between the two countries, which marked 145 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties this year, as traditionally friendly.

According to Djuric, connecting the two countries at the parliamentary level was of major importance for political ties.

The Head of Serbian diplomacy said that he was pleased to be at the Italian Parliament, a temple of democracy which exuded tradition, much like the relations between Serbia and Italy were traditionally friendly as well as future-oriented.

Minister Djuric reminded that in the previous decade Serbia had doubled its GDP, built new roads, which came as a result of continued economic growth.

Emphasizing that strengthening the economy was one of the priorities of its policy, the Minister pointed out that Serbia's full membership of the EU was the country’s primary foreign policy goal.   

He thanked Italy for its support to Serbia in the European integration process, and noted that our country would implement all the reforms required for EU accession by 2027.

The Head of Serbian diplomacy stressed that Serbia will always be a guarantor of peace and stability in the region, as this is a basic prerequisite for prosperity.

He pointed out that the situation in Kosovo and Metohija is very bad, that no Serbian products have reached our citizens for a year, and that the payment system has not been functioning for six months.

The dialogue process needs to be placed high on the European agenda and we need assistance in the dialogue and the support of EU member states in implementing what was agreed upon in the agreements, Djuric concluded.