Minister Djuric hosts a dinner in Tonga for numerous heads of state and government from the Pacific region

27. Aug 2024.
On the fringes of the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting, which is being held in the Kingdom of Tonga, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Marko Djuric hosted a dinner for the participants and guests of that event, presenting Belgrade's preparations for the Expo 2027 specialized exhibition.

Addressing around 200 guests, Minister Djuric pointed out that Serbia was a rapidly developing country in the economic field and that it strived to maintain and promote relations with friends around the world, for which it could serve as a gateway to Europe.

"We are here because Serbia has been honoured with the opportunity to organize Expo 2027. My hometown, the city of Belgrade, will host the exhibition, which will hopefully attract nations from all over the world. We want to support the participation of countries from your region in that exhibition, as part of the Pacific Pavilion," Djuric said.

He said that the Expo 2027 exhibition will, among other things, devote significant attention to topics of the utmost interest to the countries of the Pacific region, such as sustainable development and addressing climate change.

"We are a hospitable people and we want everyone who visits us to feel at home. Our friendships are lasting, and it is a great pleasure for us that, more than 60 years after the founding of the Non-Aligned Movement, we can extend such an invitation to a large number of our traditional friends," Djuric said. 

At the dinner, Prime Minister of Tonga Siaosi Sovaleni and Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum Baron Waqa also addressed the guests, while the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Tonga Tupoutoʻa ʻUlukalala and his spouse were also in attendance.

The event hosted by the Serbian Foreign Minister was attended by a large number of heads of state and government and foreign ministers from the Pacific region, as well as high-ranking officials of the countries participating in the meeting as partners, observers or special guests.

The dinner included the screening of a promotional film about the Expo 2027 exhibition, and the guests had the opportunity to toast with rakija Serbian fruit brandy while listening to the sounds of Serbian traditional music, and receive branded gifts specially prepared for this occasion.