Djuric meets with the head of diplomacy of Saint Lucia

26. Jun 2024.
On the fringes of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States, which is being held in the capital of Paraguay, Asuncion, Minister of Foreign Affairs Marko Djuric had talks with Minister of External Affairs, International Trade, Civil Aviation and Diaspora Affairs of Saint Lucia Alva Romanus Baptiste.

Noting that the two countries had a positive dynamic in the development of relations, especially in recent years, Minister Djuric pointed out that geographical distance was not an obstacle to expanding cooperation and creating new ties between our peoples.

The head of Serbian diplomacy pointed out that with Saint Lucia we shared a commitment to respecting the principles of international law and resolving all issues through diplomatic channels, expressing his gratitude to his colleague for the principled support to our position regarding the preservation of territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Minister Djuric noted that Serbia was determined to, both bilaterally and multilaterally, continue finding new opportunities for connecting our two countries in political, economic, cultural and every other sense.