Stojanovic: Serbia attaches special importance to the development of science and education

26. Jul 2024.
State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nikola Stojanovic had talks today with Professor Mark Thomson, the United Kingdom's candidate for Director-General of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).

Professor Thomson is visiting Serbia as part of his tour of the member states of the aforementioned organization, in order to promote his candidacy and present programmatic and scientific priorities.

In a meaningful conversation, Stojanovic noted that Serbia attached special importance to the development of science and education, and informed the interlocutor about the large investments of our country in the fields of artificial intelligence, biotechnology and digitalization. He also pointed out the planned events in this domain to be hosted by Serbia in the period ahead.

The meeting was also attended by Acting Assistant Minister for Multilateral Cooperation, Ambassador Katarina Lalic Smajevic.