Spouse of Serbian President meets with the Foreign Minister of DR Congo

24. Jul 2024.
Spouse of the President of Serbia and our colleague from the Foreign Ministry, Tamara Vucic, continued her multi-day visit to African countries by meeting with the First Lady of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Therese Kayikwamba Wagner, and by taking a tour of the National Museum.

At the meeting with the Secretary of State and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the interlocutors discussed the strengthening of bilateral relations between the two countries, especially in the field of cultural cooperation and education, pointing out the "World in Serbia" project and the International Organization of La Francophonie.

Both sides emphasized the importance of mutual support and solidarity, especially in times of global challenges such as the health crisis and economic instability.

"I thanked the Democratic Republic of the Congo for supporting Serbia's national interests in international organizations. The visit by the President and First Lady of DR Congo to Serbia in 2019 gave an additional impetus to the traditionally friendly relations between the two countries. I expressed the hope that they will be our dear guests at the specialized exhibition EXPO 2027 in Belgrade", said the spouse of the President of Serbia.

She stressed the need for the further promotion of friendly ties and joint projects of mutual interest.

The topic of Tamara Vucic’s meeting with First Lady of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Denise Nyakéru Tshisekedi and members of her Foundation were the directions of this organization’s activity, which comprises four pillars - health, education, combatting gender-based violence, and the empowerment of women.

"Such meetings are invaluable for the exchange of ideas and information, so I took the opportunity to present to the distinguished inerlocutors the four fields of social activities in which I try to make my contribution - raising awareness of the importance of early childhood development, support for people suffering from rare diseases, mental health of young people, as well as the preservation and promotion of Serbian cultural heritage", Tamara Vucic said.

She expressed her desire to intensify mutual cooperation at all levels.

In the company of Mrs. Tshisekedi, Mrs. Vucic had the opportunity to visit the National Museum and learn about the rich cultural heritage of different ethnic groups, the history and traditions of this African country.

The museum, located in the capital city of Kinshasa, seeks to preserve and present the Congolese cultural heritage by promoting it to both Congolese citizens and visitors from around the world.

During the visit, a special evening was hosted in the Congress Hall of the new Kinshasa Financial Centre in honour of Serbia and the spouse of the President, Tamara Vucic.

The delegation of Serbia, accompanied by the First Lady of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Prime Minister of that country, as well as the Ministers of Culture and Foreign Affairs, enjoyed a rich cultural and artistic program, which included performances of the Congolese Philharmonic, the National Ballet, as well as singer-songwriter and guitarist Céline Banza.

The spouse of President Vucic was extended exceptional hospitality and a special honour, bearing in mind the fact that this visit has a historical significance for the hosts, considering that, according to them, Tamara Vucic is the first European First Lady to visit this country.

In the upcoming days, Tamara Vucic will visit the Kingdom of Eswatini, as well as the Republic of Zimbabwe, where she will meet with high-ranking officials to discuss strengthening friendly ties and enhancing cooperation between Serbia and the countries of the African continent.



Photo: Tanjug/Marko Djokovic