Djuric: A year of anniversaries and friendship between Serbia and Italy

24. Jul 2024.
Serbian Foreign Minister Marko Djuric spoke today in Rome with the Chair of Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence in the Italian Senate, Stefania Gabriella Anastasia Craxi.

"In the year in which we are marking two important anniversaries — the 145th anniversary since the establishment of diplomatic relations and 15 years of strategic partnership — we are also celebrating many centuries of friendship between the Serbian and Italian peoples", the Minister underlined.

Speaking about the priorities of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Djuric noted that we will continue to implement an agenda focused on strengthening the Serbian economy further, with a firm commitment to full membership of the European Union.

In this context, he added that by the end of 2027, our country would complete all the economic, political and legislative reforms required for Serbia's accession to the European family, which would provide the European Union with additional strength and a reliable partner.

Regarding the current situation in our southern province, Minister Djuric informed his interlocutor about all the threats to human and collective rights facing our people in Kosovo and Metohija, stressing that the support of Italy and other EU member states was needed in order to implement the agreements reached so far within the process of stabilizing relations between Belgrade and Pristina.

Discussing regional and global geopolitical challenges, Djuric reiterated the stance that Serbia was an international partner and a pillar of stability and peace that Italy can count on.